New artwork for the “Gate to Vahalla” book

Hello, I made another b/w artwork that will be featured in the new “Gate to Valhalla” upcoming book. It is called “Thor Riding” (Tanngrisnir & Tanngnjostr), made in archival ink, 11×8 inches). As all other artworks, Here is also a sneak preview of another artwork that will be featured in the book (wip stage, inking […]
Norse Mythology book sales finally started!
Hello! Since the Kickstarter backers finally started to receive their pledged levels from the Norse Mythology Kickstarter campaign, I’m opening sales at the official website So now finally you can purchase the Norse Mythology products (Book, Clam shell case, Limited edition sketchbook, Portfolio with 10 prints, High quality 24×18 inches prints…) I’ve added 7 special […]
The great meeting in Croatia!
Hello, While you are eagerly waiting for your copies of the book – which many of you got tracking numbers already, a wonderful meeting happened this week in Zagreb, Croatia. Jon Schindehette and me were among guests speakers at IFCC (Independent Festival of Creative Communication), which was held 28th May – 02nd June. Why […]
Taa-daaam! One ton of mythology!
Hello, I’m very proud and thrilled to make this wonderful update: THE NORSE MYTHOLOGY BOOKS FINALLY ARRIVED IN CROATIA!!! I’m very excited, and I want to share my thrill with you! The books are here now! One ton of books, prints, cases and other material! Yes, you heard it right 1000 kilograms of paper […]
Black and white commissions
Hello, I would like to share with you some thoughts and insights of pledged b/w commissions that were part of Kickstarter campaign. As you all know, those rewards were designed for the campaign, and offer the backers something they won’t find in the original Norse Mythology art book: black and white drawings. That’s my second […]
Second round of the Norse Mythology proofs
Directly from the printers in China, and in just 3 days (this time – via DHL!). So what to say? The changes were made, there are just few new small changes that need to be done, but this time I’ll finally approve it (with changes), cause everything else is perfect! The big 24×18 prints looks […]
“…IT’S ALIVE!” The story about the proofs
This day finally came, and I’m super excited to share this with you: I finally received the proofs of the Norse Mythology art book! And I’m speechless. They look AMAZING! After this whole 3 weeks long detective story with finding the missing shipment, which suddenly just appeared after we already lost hope, it’s […]
Some finished pledged Norse Mythology Kickstarter commissions
Hello, During the KickstarTHOR campaign there were some pledges including b/w commissions. And there were 3 sizes: 11×8 in, 12×9 in, and 17×11 in. Here are listed first 7 pieces done for the backers who pledged original commissions. There will be a lot more to come! Enjoy! 1.) Geri, Freki, Hugin and Munin: […]
How it all became a huge deal and big project… and about time zone difference…
First of all, I’ll thank you all for being very patient with my dream project – Norse Mythology art book. From the first idea of a single book, it evolved into a huge beast of a project! Of course, nobody is happier than me, but at the same time, it became enormous work in the terms […]
Gen Con 50, 2017, Award for the “Trolls” piece, 1st Place, Best Original Art in Art Show
I’m speachless and very thrilled cause I’ve got the Gen Con 50 Art Show Original Art 1st Place award! The ceremony was on 17th Aug 2017 in Indianapolis. I’ve exhibited there my works as the part of Art Show, and for the first time originals from the Norse Mythology art book were exhibited. The award […]